Over the weekend, Khloé Kardashian posted some photos on Instagram from her daughter True's recent dance recital. True was pictured with her cousins, Kim Kardashian's daughter Chicago and Rob Kardashian's daughter Dream as per BuzzFeed News. The girls were all dressed up in visible makeup, which drew the attention of many fans. Khloé jumped into the comments section to explain, expecting some criticism.

Khloé expressed her pride in daughter's dance recital

The photos show the young girls in their dance costumes, performing ballet and hip-hop routines. Khloé expressed her pride, saying, “My girls had their dance recital yesterday! They did two dances this year - Ballet and hip-hop. I am so so proud of them! They were absolutely perfect.”

The photos showed the children wearing stage makeup, including bright red lipstick, which is a common practice at dance recitals to ensure facial expressions are visible under stage lights.

Khloé addressed the issue ahead of time, knowing that the sight of young girls in makeup would likely cause controversy. She wrote, “Obviously none of our girls wear makeup like this regularly. This was for the recital only. They are beautiful just as they are.” This statement was intended to reassure fans that the makeup was only for the recital and would not be used on a regular basis in the girls' lives.

Khloé Kardashian responding to the backlash

Despite her proactive explanation, Khloé discovered herself responding directly to comments on her post. One user commented, “It’s sad you even have to specify about the makeup, but I understand why. Gorgeous little dancers!” Khloé responded, “It is but people are cray cray. So I had to explain.”

Khloé's post ended on a positive note, sharing the memories of the event. "Yesterday was super special 🩷 memories for a lifetime," she wrote, showing how much she enjoyed the dance recital for children. She also stated in a separate comment, “Obvi I would hope no one would do this normally to a 6-year-old,” stating that the makeup was only for the special occasion.

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