World Bathing Day 2024: Amid the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often overlook the simple yet profound act of bathing. However, in many parts of the world, bathing has become a cherished ritual, integral to self-care and wellness. To commemorate World Bathing Day today, Indian actresses Sonam Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna, share their bathing rituals and the importance of turning this daily routine into a moment of self-care and rejuvenation. Bathing is not merely a routine task but a time to unwind, relax, and connect with oneself and create a serene atmosphere that refreshes both the body and mind.

For Rashmika Mandanna, who is the brand ambassador of popular personal care brand, Fiama Di Wills, a good bathing routine is the first step in self-care. The Pushpa star emphasises the importance of an indulgent bath to unwind from a busy day. "Even on the busiest days with endless work, I turn to an indulgent and relaxing bath to help me unwind in the best way possible," Rashmika said.

Rashmika recalls how Sandalwood used to be a "holy grail" when it came to skincare during her childhood days. "Growing up, sandalwood has been a holy grail for skincare, and I get all its natural goodness from ITC Fiama's Sandalwood Oil and Patchouli gel bathing bar. The heavenly fragrance and incredible skin-conditioning properties keep my skin supple and nourished. It rekindles the joy of bathing, transforming a simple routine into a blissful, rejuvenating escape."

Rashmika’s bathing ritual revolves around nourishing and pampering her skin, especially after long days on set. Her must-haves include natural body oils and moisturizers that keep her skin hydrated and glowing. "I find solace in the calming aroma of sandalwood oil, which not only relaxes my senses but also nourishes my skin deeply," she said, adding, "In my skincare and body care routine, I prioritise natural and nourishing ingredients that promote both physical and emotional well-being.

Highlighting the importance of choosing the right ingredients for skincare and body care, Rashmika said, "I started with basic skincare and body care steps and gradually incorporated more holistic practices, such as mindfulness and using natural products. I have also learned the significance of choosing products that contribute to a comprehensive body care routine. As I've become more attuned to my skin's unique needs and adopted a mindful approach, my routine has evolved to prioritize nourishment, simplicity, and overall wellness."

Meanwhile, for Sonam Kapoor, who is the brand ambassador of ITC Vivel, bathing is not just a routine but a way to begin and end each day on a positive note. "To begin every day fresh and fragrant is something I always stand by. We may feel that bathing is routine, but a good bath really helps start and end the day right. A relaxing bath routine is the perfect way to end a tiring day," said Sonam.

"I love soaking in an indulgent and fragrant bath, and one of my favorite fragrances is Lavender. It helps nourish and moisturize my skin, keeping it soft and supple," the Neerja star added.

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