BBC's Saturday Kitchen star Matt Tebbutt, 50, worked in some of London's most prestigious restaurants before turning his attention to TV. Now, he is recognised on Channel 4's Food Unwrapped, Good Food's Market Kitchen and the Great British Menu.

He would often present Saturday Kitchen while regular host James Martin was absent, but has since taken over as the main host after James' departure. Away from TV, he is married with two children and lives in Llantilio Crossenny, Monmouthshire.

The star was born in High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire but his family moved to South Wales when he was just six months old and he has since settled there. The area in which he lives with his wife Lisa and their two children, Henry and Jessie, features homes that sell for more than half a million pounds.

His large home with a stunning garden even features a large shed which has a functioning kitchen and large island, perfect for hosting summer dinner parties. For those looking to buy a property in Llantilio Crossenny, they can expect to pay around £596,007, according to Houses For Sale & To Rent.

Matt's children mean a great deal to him and last year he halted an episode of Saturday Kitchen after receiving an emotional text from his daughter. Jessie had shared some exciting news with her dad after studying for her degree at Goldsmith's University in London.

"I've just had a text from my daughter. Proud dad moment. She got a first at university," he said, going off script at the end of the show.

"So well done Jess congratulations. [...] Yeah sorry, I have just taken over TV for my own gain. Right, let's get back to the script."

While his daughter was still studying, he said he valued any free time they spent together.

"We get to meet up pretty often... usually over a long lunch," he explained.

"I've entered a new phase of parenthood where we get to do grown-up adult things like that which is amazing."

It has not all been happy news for the presenter, who had to be taken to hospital in 2022 after a terrifying health scare.

He had to be rushed to hospital for emergency surgery, an appendectomy, and the procedure is usually carried out after the patient suffers appendicitis.

On Instagram, he shared a photo of himself hooked up to medical equipment in hospital as he explained: "Me, a morphine drip and an emergency appendectomy are keeping me from a much-anticipated lunch at @manteca_london.

"But everything and everyone here at The Grange hospital in Gwent have been fantastic. Couldn't ask for more from such a brilliant health service. So grateful. # nhs #nhsnurse #thegrangehospital #appendectomy."

He had to take a break from presenting Saturday Kitchen during his recovery. His condition could have led to life-threatening complications had action not been taken quickly.

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