If you're looking for a fun and easy way to get kids excited about the Bible, or you're hoping to reinforce some of the powerful Bible verses being taught to them during Sunday school or in their youth group, these Bible trivia questions and answers for kids are a good place to start.

From easy-to-remember facts (like how many of each animal were invited aboard Noah’s Ark), to tricky questions that will get older kids, teens, and adults thinking (like the name of the people God sent quail and manna to), everyone will be quizzed on their Bible knowledge with these questions.

Beyond reading inspiring scripture verses about the importance of prayer, gratitude, and helping others, incorporating fun games into your child's religious education will not only help them remember the information being taught to them but will also help you reinforce some of those ideals you’re hoping to instill. A few Bible quizzes on the Old and New Testaments help give them the foundational knowledge they’ll need as they become adults.

Go ahead and check out this list of 100 Bible trivia questions and see if you know the answers to all of them. We have a hunch there are at least one or two questions that will stump even the most devout.

Easy Bible trivia for kids

  1. Question: How many commandments are there?

Answer: 10

2. Question: True or False: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods is one of the 10 commandments.

Answer: True

3. Question: How many of each animal went on Noah's Ark?

Answer: Two

4. Question: What were the names of the first two people in the Bible?

Answer: Adam and Eve

5. Question: What town was Jesus from?

Answer: Nazareth

6. Question: Who received the 10 commandments?

Answer: Moses

7. Question: What language was the Bible first written in?

Answer: Hebrew

8. Question: What part of Adam did God use to create Eve?

Answer: Rib

9. Question: True or False: Genesis is the first book in the Bible.

Answer: True

10. Question: How long did it take for God to create life?

Answer: Six

11. Question: How many days of rain fell during the story of Noah's Ark?

Answer: 40

12: Question: Who is the earthly mother of Jesus?

Answer: Mary

13. Question: Who is the earthly father of Jesus?

Answer: Joseph

14. Question: What job did Jesus have?

Answer: Carpenter

15. Question: How many disciples were there?

Answer: 12

16. Question: What day of the week did Jesus come back to life?

Answer: Sunday

17. Question: What holiday is celebrated alongside the day Jesus came back to life?

Answer: Easter

18. Question: Where did Adam and Eve live?

Answer: Garden of Eden

19. Question: What creature came to the Garden of Eden to speak to Adam and Eve?

Answer: A snake

20. Question: Who was the man who betrayed Jesus?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

21. Question: What was the name of the giant killed by David?

Answer: Goliath

22. Question: How was Goliath killed?

Answer: A stone fired with a slingshot

23. Question: Which day did God create the sky?

Answer: The second day

24. Question: Where was Moses born?

Answer: Egypt

25. Question: How many days did Jesus fast?

Answer: 40

26. Question: What was the fruit that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Answer: Apple

27. Question: Which animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?

Answer: A donkey

28. Question: How many books are in the Gospels?

Answer: Four

29. Question: What does the word Gospel mean?

Answer: Good news

30. Question: How did Jesus die?

Answer: He was crucified

31. Question: True or False: Jesus was arrested.

Answer: True

32. Question: How many days did it take for God to create the world?

Answer: Six

33. Question: Which day did God create man?

Answer: The sixth

Tricky Bible trivia for youth groups

  1. Question: Who were Adam and Eve's three sons?

Answer: Seth, Cain, and Abel

2. How did God let Noah know he would never flood the world again?

Answer: He sent a rainbow

3. Question: What did God use to speak to Moses when he was in the desert?

Answer: A burning bush

4. Question: Where was Moses when he received the 10 commandments?

Answer: Mt. Sinai

5. Question: True or False: Jesus was baptized by Joseph the Baptist.

Answer: False — it was John the Baptist

6. Question: True or False: Jesus was able to turn wine into water.

Answer: False — he turned water into wine

7. Question: In addition to spreading the word of God, what else did Jesus do while ministering?

Answer: Casting out demons, healing the sick

8. Question: What food did Jesus feed the starving?

Answer: Bread and fish

9. Question: When did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples?

Answer: During the Last Supper

10. Question: How many times did Peter deny Jesus?

Answer: Three

11. Question: When did God move a large stone?

Answer: When Jesus rose from the tomb

12. Question: Which commandment does Jesus say is the most important?

Answer: Love God with all your heart, minds, soul, and strength

13. Question: Where does the book of Revelation appear in the Bible?

Answer: The end

14. Question: True or False: Jesus only wrote two of the books in the Bible.

Answer: False — Jesus didn't write any books in the Bible

15. Question: What country did the slave traders take Joseph to?

Answer: Egypt

16. Question: How many siblings did Jesus have?

Answer: Four brothers and two sisters

17. Question: True or False: Jesus had a sister named Hannah.

Answer: False — his sister was never named in the Bible

18. Question: Who was Jesus' best-known cousin?

Answer: John the Baptist

19. Question: True or False: Jesus fed 5,000 people with two loaves of bread and five fish.

Answer: False — it was five loads of bread and two fish

20. Question: Was David the only one to write the book of Psalms?

Answer: No

21. Question: Which of the Testaments has 27 books?

Answer: The New Testament

22. Question: What was responsible for writing 13 books in the Bible?

Answer: Paul

23. Question: Which of the Gospels was likely written first?

Answer: Mark

24. Question: Which of the Gospels was likely written last?

Answer: John

25. Question: Name one of Noah's three sons.

Answer: Shem, Japheth, or Ham

26. Question: How many humans survived on Noah's Ark?

Answer: Eight

27. Question: Where did God ask Abram to move away from?

Answer: Ur

28. Question: Who was Sarai married to?

Answer: Abram

29. Question: What did God promise Abram and Sarai?

Answer: A baby

30. Question: What did Sarai want Hagar to do?

Answer: Have Abram's baby

31. Question: What was Abram's oldest son named?

Answer: Ishmael

32. Question: What city did Joshua and the Israelites enter after the town's permitter was collapsed by God?

Answer: Jericho

33. Question: When Joshua died, who ruled Israel?

Answer: The judges

Hard Bible trivia for older kids

  1. Question: Which of the plagues sent by God convinced Pharaoh to finally free the slaves?

Answer: Killing the firstborn sons of Egypt

2. How did Moses get to the enslaved?

Answer: Parting the Red Sea

3. What did the Israelites worship that sparked outrage?

Answer: A golden calf

4. What animal was Daniel sent to face after making a forbidden prayer to God?

Answer: Lion

5. Question: What was the body of water Jesus was able to walk across?

Answer: Sea of Galilee

6. Which Bible verse is the shortest?

Answer: John 11:35

7. Question: What did Jesus have poured on his feet while at the home of Simon the Leper?

Answer: An expensive jar of perfume.

8. Question: What name appears in four of the books in the Bible?

Answer: John

9. Question: What does the shortest Bible verse say?

Answer: "Jesus wept."

10. Question: Name the four books that cover Jesus' earthly life.

Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

11. Question: What is the name of the book that David wrote the most of?

Answer: Psalms

12. Question: Who wanted to build a tower that could reach Heaven?

Answer: The men at the Tower of Babel

13. Question: What was the name of the man who bought Joseph in Egypt?

Answer: Potiphar

14. Question: What awful thing did Joseph see in Pharaoh's dream?

Answer: Seven-year famine

15. Question: What are the names of Jesus' brothers?

Answer: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas

16. Question: What was the number of lepers healed by Jesus?

Answer: 10

17. Question: What was the shortest book in the Bible?

Answer: 3 John

18. Question: Which of the Testaments has 36 books?

Answer: The Old Testament

19. Question: Where does Jesus' Sermon on the Mount appear?

Answer: The Book of Matthew

20. Question: What was the name of David's son who became the king?

Answer: Solomon

21. Question: What language was most of the New Testament written in?

Answer: Greek

22. Question: How did God get people to go out and travel to new places around the world?

Answer: He confused all of their languages

23. Question: What was Abraham's original name?

Answer: Abram

24. Question: Who were Isaac's parents?

Answer: Abraham and Sarah

25. Question: Who did Isaac marry?

Answer: Rebekah

26. Question: Which of Isaac's sons was his favorite?

Answer: Esau

27. Question: What was Israel's name before he met Esau?

Answer: Jacob

28. Question: Why did Moses flee to the desert?

Answer: He killed an Egyptian

29. Question: What creature did Moses' staff turn into when he met with Pharaoh?

Answer: A snake

30. Question: Who did God send quail and manna to?

Answer: The Israelites

31. Question: Who saw the giants in Canaan?

Answer: The Spies

32. Question: Which of the Israelites were allowed into the Promised Land?

Answer: Caleb and Joshua

33. Question: How many men did Gideon have when he defeated the Midianites?

Answer: 300

34. Question: What was the name of the vow Samson took?

Answer: The Nazarite vow

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