How much sleep do cats typically get?

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Cats are known for being crepuscular animals, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk. This is when their prey is most active, so they need to be well-rested to hunt. Cats also sleep a lot because they are solitary animals. They do not need to spend as much time socializing as social animals, so they have more time to sleep. On average, adult cats typically sleep for 12 to 16 hours a day, with kittens and senior cats often sleeping even more, up to 20 hours a day, to conserve energy and support growth or recovery from aging-related issues

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Cats usually sleep a lot, averaging 12-16 hours per day. Some cats, particularly kittens and senior cats, may sleep considerably more than usual. Cats are crepuscular, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk. As a result, they frequently snooze during the day and night, fitting their sleep around short bursts of activity.

What is the best food for a two month old kitten?

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

A two-month-old kitten should eat specially prepared kitten food. For growth and development, it should be high in protein, easily digested, and nutritionally balanced. For its high moisture content, wet canned food is frequently advised. For brand and feeding advice based on the needs and health of your kitten, speak with your veterinarian.

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

The best food for a two-month-old kitten is a high-quality commercial kitten food brand that lists meat as the primary ingredient and provides a balanced mix of protein, fat, and essential nutrients. It's crucial to introduce your kitty to its new food gradually to reduce the likelihood of stomach upset.

What are some home treatments for gingivitis in cats?

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Regular tooth brushing with cat-friendly toothpaste, providing dental chews or toys, and using dental rinses or gels prescribed by your veterinarian are all home therapies for gingivitis in cats. A healthy diet and proper oral hygiene can help prevent and treat gingivitis, but consult a veterinarian for a comprehensive evaluation and professional guidance.

See more questions and expert answers related to Cat Preventive Care.

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Home remedies for gingivitis in cats include giving your cat dental-specific cat food or treats to decrease plaque buildup, brushing their teeth on a regular basis using a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste, and giving them chewable dental toys. However, it's essential to consult your veterinarian who can recommend the most suitable approach for your cat's condition

See more questions and expert answers related to Cat Preventive Care.

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