ALBAWABA - Thanks to the Duke's book Spare, the public has been privy to Prince William and Harry's troubled relationship, but what has William said about Harry in his many public statements?

After his memoir Spare came out in January 2023, Harry decided to burn bridges with the royal family. The explosive biography, for which he hired a ghostwriter, detailed his alleged involvement in a physical conflict with Prince William and The Firm's gradual unraveling with regard to family dynamics.

During their time together, Prince Harry said that his family did not approve of his relationship with Meghan Markle.

He felt compelled to share his mind, even if it meant going on prime-time television with Oprah Winfrey and making statements that some saw as the Sussexes bringing shame on the royal family after they resigned as representatives of the throne.

Aside from Harry and Meghan, who has spoken about William? It's easy to say from personal experience, but since the royal family often remains silent in the face of explosive claims, let's take a look at what the Prince of Wales has said about his brother over the years.

In every comment that Prince William has made about his brother Harry, William has shown Harry rare support.

Think back to 2016, when Prince Harry was 33 years old and William was 36.

Concerned about the hostile response from the media and trolls to his girlfriend Meghan, who had been publicly recognized, the Duke of Sussex issued a statement in November of that year.

While responding emotionally, Harry expressed his concern for her safety and his profound disappointment at not being able to protect her from the violence.

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