By Zainab Al-Mashoor

The scent of refreshing flowers, the warmth of the sun’s rays, the beauty of bright colors and the coolness of ice cream all herald the arrival of summer. It’s the longest and warmest season of the year, a time to witness nature’s beauty, smell its fragrances and taste its offerings. In Kuwait, summer brings diverse activities and preferences. Some residents eagerly await summer to travel and try new activities, while others enjoy a relaxing swim, a little tan or beach entertainment like paddling and jet skiing. Meanwhile, some prefer indoor activities to avoid the heat.

Kuwait Times interviewed several residents to learn how they spend their summer in Kuwait and their favorite foods to beat the heat:

Aseel Bashar, a Syrian resident, said: “The best thing about summer is ice cream, swimming and the comfortable attire I enjoy wearing — those simple baby pink and blue colors and white.” Aseel spends her weekends swimming in the pool and tanning under the sun. Pineapple, with its sweet and sour taste, is her favorite fruit in this season as it’s refreshing.

Laila Hazim, a Jordanian resident, described summer as “brightness, colors, beach, flowers and watermelon”. Laila prefers traveling during the summer but also enjoys staying in Kuwait. She participates in camping and fun activities, spending a few days at resorts or a farm. “The animals we see in summer, such as flamingos and seagulls, are so beautiful,” she added.

Faten Sroor, an Egyptian resident, appreciated the calmness of the atmosphere in Kuwait during summer. She prefers not to travel, finding that despite the heat, there’s always shade, and you can do whatever you want. “There are beautiful resorts with good spas, swimming pools, beaches and kids’ areas, giving you a relaxing vibe at more reasonable prices than traveling abroad,” she explained.

Mohammed Hakeem, a Syrian resident, noted that despite Kuwait’s extreme heat, he frequents the beach due to a medical condition that requires swimming. “As the heat rises, the fish get closer to the beach, and sometimes I like feeding them some bread,” Hakeem added.

Sumayya Ghalib, an Egyptian/Indian resident, finds summer in Kuwait interesting as it offers opportunities to explore new things, such as visiting different islands. Although she admits she’s not a summer person, she enjoys indoor activities like ice skating, playing board games with friends or arcade games. “My go-to summer drink is iced coffee to stay energetic during the day, and my favorite fruits for this season are watermelon and mangoes,” Ghalib adds. “I enjoy wearing summer dresses and hats, as they are so refreshing and light.”

Ahmed Shayan, an Indian resident, enjoys night gym sessions and gaming during the summer. “It’s a very good season to lose weight, cut fat and build muscles,” he said. Shayan enjoys drinking iced energy drinks and iced coffee.

Hadeel Alsager, a Kuwaiti resident, spends her summer in the pool and at tanning lounges. She enjoys visiting islands, fishing and water sports. Alsager also takes advantage of the summer sales in malls. Her favorite summer edibles include frozen yogurt, ice cream, seafood, jelly and puddings.

Stay hydrated

Dr Shaikha Ahmad Alqallaf, a clinical nutritionist with a master’s in clinical nutrition and public health, offers some essential tips to stay hydrated during summer. In addition to drinking water, incorporating hydrating food into your diet can help you stay refreshed. Some excellent options include:

Cucumbers: Composed of about 95 percent water, cucumbers are incredibly hydrating and low in calories, making them a perfect snack or addition to salads.

Watermelon: This summer favorite is not only delicious but also packed with water. It is about 92 percent water and contains essential vitamins like A and C.

Tomatoes: With about 94 percent water content, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and can be enjoyed in salads, sandwiches or as a refreshing snack.

Lettuce: With around 95 percent water content, lettuce is an excellent choice for hydrating salads. Opt for darker leaves like romaine, which also provide more nutrients.

Berries: Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are high in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. They make a great addition to breakfasts, desserts or smoothies.

Pineapple: Rich in vitamin C and bromelain, pineapple aids digestion and boosts the immune system. Enjoy it fresh or in a fruit salad.

Mangoes: These tropical fruits are loaded with vitamins A and C, making them great for skin health and immunity. They can be eaten on their own or added to smoothies and salads.

Oranges: High in vitamin C and hydration, oranges are perfect for boosting energy levels and keeping you refreshed. They can be consumed as juice or in segments.

What to eat

Eat Light, Frequent Meals: Heavy meals can make you feel sluggish. Opt for smaller, lighter meals more frequently to keep your energy levels stable.

Incorporate Yogurt: Yogurt is cooling, hydrating, and a good source of probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. Add fresh fruits to make a nutritious snack.

Avoid Sugary Drinks: While it might be tempting to reach for sodas and sugary drinks, they can lead to dehydration. Instead, opt for water, herbal teas or natural fruit juices.

Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).

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