Snan Yatra 2024: Dev Snan Purnima, also called "Snana Yatra," is an auspicious bathing ceremony of Lord Jagannath. In the conventional Hindu calendar, it is observed on the "Purnima" (full moon day) of the "Jyeshtha" month. Dev Snan Purnima takes place before the famous Rath Yatra of the Jagannath Temple in Puri. The deities of the Jagannath Temple, Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra, are adored with great love and commitment during this ceremonial bathing event. This year, Dev Snan Purnima will be observed on 22nd June 2024. 

Snan Yatra 2024: Date Of This Sacred Bathing Festival Of Lord Jagannath 

- Snan Yatra  2024 Date: 22nd June 2024, Saturday 

- Sunrise: June 22, 5:46 AM

- Sunset: June 22, 7:11 PM

- Purnima Tithi Timings: June 21, 07:32 AM - June 22, 06:37 AM 

Snan Yatra 2024: Significance Of This Sacred Day 

Lord Jagannath devotees place great religious significance on the day of Dev Snan Purnima. Hindu legends state that the gods spend 15 days in isolation after contracting a fever during the ceremonial Snana Yatra. The idols don't emerge in public until they have been revitalised. After the gods were placed in the Jagannath Temple, King Indradyumna organised this bathing ritual for the first time, as the "Skanda Purana" states.  

The followers of Lord Jagannath believe that they may atone for all of their past and present life misdeeds by just receiving their lord's "darshan" on the day of Deva Snana Purnima. Every year on this day, tens of thousands of pilgrims flock to the Jagannath Puri temple. 

The bathing ritual on Snana Purnima honours the gods worshipped in the Jagannath Temple, Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra. (Image Source: Canva)

Snan Yatra 2024: Rituals Associated With This Sacred Day 

- The idols of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra are taken out early on the day of Jyeshtha Purnima from the Jagannath Puri Temple's "Ratnasimhasan."

- Thousands of worshippers watch as the idols are carried in a procession to the "Snana Bedi," or the bathing altar. The rhythmic pounding of the ghanta, drums, bugles, and cymbals, along with the sounds of mantra chanting, give this procession the name "Pahandi."

- The well located within the Jagannath Temple provides the water required to bathe the gods. The priests execute a few pujas and rituals before the bathing process. The three principal idols of the Jagannath Temple are bathed in 108 pitchers of scented and herbal water.

- The deities are then clothed with "Sada Besha" when the bathing ritual is over. The idols of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra are redressed as "Hathi Besha" (as a manifestation of Lord Ganesha) later in the day. On Deva Snana Purnima, a unique Bhog is cooked as a sacrifice to the Lord. The gods reappear in the evening for "Sahanamela," allowing the whole people to see.

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- The "Anasar" House, which is part of the temple complex, is where the three principal deities retreat later in the evening. The devotees are unable to view their gods throughout the "Anasara" time. The public can only visit the idols of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra, and Lord Balabhadra fifteen days later, on the day preceding the renowned Rath Yatra.

(Disclaimer: This is based on general public information. Jagran English does not confirm its veracity. Before adopting any measures, consult an expert from the relevant field.)

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