

What you need to know (and do) when your pet has cancer

Hearing that someone you love has cancer is scary, and the same goes for your pet. Indeed, it's difficult on many levels. It's normal to feel helpless if your furry companion has been diagnosed with cancer, but it's important that you don't panic. Instead, focus on what you can do and what you need to know during this challenging time. There are several steps that you can take to educate yourself and care for your animal. Check out the following gallery to ease your stress when your pet has been diagnosed with cancer.

Rules you didn't know first ladies have to follow

The First Lady of the United States may not be a politician, but she still has lots to do. Throughout history, the role of the first lady has evolved with each new administration. Modern-day women in this position are responsible for high-profile events, like state dinners and the White House holiday celebrations. And while some of these expectations are straightforward, other rules are more surprising. Also, controversially, first ladies aren't paid for their work in the White House, even though it's a full-time job. Click on to learn more about the rules you didn't know First Ladies have to follow.

Royal mistresses who shaped history

The title of royal mistress goes back thousands of years. And as drama and scandal surrounded these women, society would often look down on them. However, these opinions were often kept a secret, because for some, the position of royal mistress was one of the highest in the land. Far from just keeping a monarch company in the bedchamber, royal mistresses, especially those from high-ranking families, often influenced them on issues of their own interests, and those of their relatives. And even if it could be an unstable position, love and lust remained strong, leaving an everlasting mark on the pages of history books. Intrigued? Click on to discover the most influential royal mistresses throughout history.

The story behind America’s common sayings

Due to the constant evolution of the English language, some of our own expressions might sound weird when we stop to analyze them. Some idioms and sayings just don’t make any sense at face value, but we’ve been saying them for so long that we rarely stop to think about them. However, a lot of our great phrases and idioms have interesting backgrounds and origins. Check some of them out here!

The most bizarre things you didn't know you could rent

Life requires a lot from us these days. Not only do we have to work full-time jobs and secure our basic survival needs, but we also have to have healthy social lives, take care of others, travel, find romance, and keep up with the trends. That's why there have been a plethora of services popping up to help people fill in the gaps. There are normal things you can rent, like cars or apartments, and then there are various people you can rent for various jobs that you probably didn't know existed. From hiring people to apologize for your mistakes, to renting a grandmother, click through to be truly amazed at this strange world we live in.

All We Imagine As Light helmer Payal Kapadia says Indian film ‘ethos and performative quality’ are not ‘understood in the West’

Several big names from the fashion and entertainment industry have reached the French Riviera to attend the 77th Cannes Film Festival. Many Bollywood celebs and Indian influencers have also graced the red carpet of the coveted event. Among them is Payal Kapadia who has made us proud as her debut narrative feature All We Imagine As Light competes f...

Aaj Ka Panchang 21 May 2024: Narasimha Jayanti Today; Check Sunrise, Moonrise Timings, Shubh Muhurat Rahu Kaal, And More

Aaj Ka Panchang 21 May 2024: The Hindu Panchang originates in Vedic astrology. In addition to offering astrological advice, the Panchang forecasts favourable and unfavourable times of the day. According to the Panchang, on 21st May 2024, Rahu Kaal will take place from 03:43 PM to 05:26 PM. This auspicious Ravi Yog will also take place today. The Disha Shool for today is North, hence, it is not advised to travel in this direction. Read the...

Affordable ways to make your home look more expensive

In home decor, sometimes less is more. You might follow the latest trends, but there are simple tricks you can use to make your home look timelessly luxurious, like it's owned by a celebrity! Of course, you don't want to spend an actual fortune making your home look expensive. But fear not, there are ways to achieve this on a budget. Click through the following gallery and discover the secrets to make you home look more expensive.

Duke and Duchess of Gloucester among royals at Chelsea Flower Show

Duke and Duchess of Gloucester arrived at the Chelsea Flower Show, as did Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

The best high school graduation gifts

Is a special teen in your life graduating from high school and about to move to college or university? This can only mean one thing: buying a graduation gift! But how to strike the perfect balance between buying something memorable while ensuring that it’s something they will actually use? We understand how difficult this is, but worry not, as we’ve taken the liberty of assembling a list of some graduation gifts any young adult will truly love. Curious? Click through this gallery to see what they are!

The hidden dangers of an unclean home

Are you a compulsive cleaner? Maybe not. But there are surely times when you put off tidying up, and that's fine. Problem is when procrastination takes over, so does the dust and... well, other things that you're about to find out about. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you stopped cleaning the house? While the thought of a life without vacuuming and scrubbing may seem tempting, it’s worth thinking about the negative effects of neglecting housework, or not hiring a bit of help. Cleaners can literally be lifesavers—and that's no exaggeration. Doubts? Concerns? Or maybe you just can't wait to show this gallery to your 'easy-going' roommate/spouse/children/friends? Click on for more.

Which sci-fi universe has the best fashion?

Sci-fi films and TV series have carved out their own space in pop culture, with their instantly-recognizable fashion that shares an interesting relationship with real-world fashion—taking inspiration from it but also influencing modern trends in turn. So even if you have no intention of donning black latex or chainmail bodysuits, click through to appreciate the most iconic sci-fi universe styles.

A beginner's guide to backpacking in the wilderness

Imagine trekking through the wilderness only carrying a backpack. Whether solo or accompanied, backpacking can be an exciting adventure! But before you lace up your boots and pitch the tent, it’s important to truly prepare. From knowing what to pack to how to dress and even what to do in case of an emergency, you should come ready for anything and everything. Curious to learn how to start your backpacking journey? Click through to find out more.

Successful women who chose not to get married

Throughout history, marriage was a societal expectation, particularly for women, who had to relinquish many personal rights. In most situations, husbands were seen as superior to their wives, resulting in significant restrictions on women's freedom. However, numerous remarkable women chose not to enter into marriage, defying societal norms and forging their own paths. Thankfully, times have changed, but even today, society often portrays unmarried women as incomplete. To challenge this notion and showcase that women can lead extraordinary lives without marriage, we invite you to browse through this gallery. It serves as a reminder that marriage is not a prerequisite for a fulfilling existence!

Types of Algae and Their Benefits

Medically reviewed by Jamie Johnson, RDN Medically reviewed by Jamie Johnson, RDN Algae is a fascinating and highly beneficial group of aquatic organisms making waves in the wellness and nutrition market. Algae, also sometimes referred to as seaweed, is responsible for more than just the green color of oceans and lakes: it's a powerhouse of nutrien...

Famous people who placed their kids for adoption

An unwanted pregnancy can really be problematic for both parents and child. Sometimes couples are just way too young to be raising a child, other times they simply have no financial means to support them, and so on. Whatever the reasons, sometimes the best option is to place the child for adoption. Famous people are obviously no exception, and indeed several had to make an adoption plan. Luckily, many of these adoption stories have a happy ending. Curious to know more about them? Then click through.

From dogs to dragons: the best pets in pop culture

Pets are great. Having a bond with an animal is a truly rewarding experience, one that's often portrayed in both the big and the small screen. Some pets are so cool that they become part of pop culture. We're talking about animals that starred in movies, TV shows, and cartoons, achieving global fame. In this gallery, meet some of the best pets in pop culture. Click on and pick your favorite!

The most fashionable period dramas of all time

The period drama has been a strong genre in TV and film for decades, but it's seeing a serious mainstream revival since the momentous release of Netflix's 'Bridgerton' in December 2020. This modern take on the period piece has renewed appetites for noble intrigue and extravagant costumes that transport you to another time. After the dumpster fire that was 2020, we're all ready for a bit of opulent escapism. Click through this gallery to see some of the most stylish period dramas ever made.

Most popular baby names in the US in 2023 REVEALED

Popular baby names have remained fairly consistent over the last decade, with Olivia and Liam topping the list for the sixth and seventh consecutive year. Parents have also gotten names from TikTok stars.

Bizarre histories behind everyday objects in your home

Our homes are loaded with stuff, some of which we bought with purpose, others which are more for fun or decoration, and others which slip your mind when even thinking about your stuff because we take them for granted. We think most of these things are completely normal, and today they may be, but so many household objects have strange and intriguing histories behind them. Click through to see surprising stories about everyday things–you’ll look at your stuff in a completely new way!

19 animal flatulence facts you need to know!

Kate Middleton and her not-so-royal reactions

One of the reasons royals are fascinating is that they are constantly in the public eye, yet lack the same level of training as other celebrities in terms of posing and smiling for the camera. While most stars have mastered the art of faking charm, royals often show us their genuine emotions. This is particularly enjoyable in the case of Kate Middleton, who is typically seen as poised and refined. What makes the Princess of Do-No-Wrong endearing is that she remains authentic even when faced with the glare of the spotlight. Click through to see her many and wildly varied expressions, paired with hilarious situations we can all relate to.

9 New Dollar Tree Beauty Dupes for Revlon, The Ordinary, and More

Several shoppers have recently taken to TikTok to show off their favorite Dollar Tree beauty dupes of major brand names.

Unforgettable on-screen love triangles

We all love a good love triangle—from the drama to the passion, it gets viewers riled up. It's a storyline we've seen in some of the biggest movies and TV shows through the years, where characters fight and break up, only for them to find themselves in the arms of someone else, before making up, and several other variations on the trope. Ready to reminisce on some unforgettable on-screen love triangles? Then click through this gallery.

Fascinating color meanings around the world

When we associate a color with a certain feeling, gender, or saying, it can be hard to see it in any other way. For example, many people see red as tied to anger or passion, but did you know that it’s also linked to purity? Color plays an integral role in our lives, shaping the way we describe our moods and even the way we experience the world. But depending on your culture, things like color meanings, and even how many words you have for colors, can vary drastically. Click through to find out what your favorite color means around the world.

Will King Charles III abdicate? The shocking predictions of Nostradamus

Nostradamus was a French astrologer born at the beginning of the 16th century. He worked as a physician, but he is famed for his supposed ability to predict the future and is credited with foreseeing many major world events. Most of his predictions were written in the form of short cryptic poems, collected in his famous 1555 book, ‘Les Prophéties.' His artistic musings have exasperated historians, and many of them could be interpreted to apply to a number of events. Naturally, his claims are met with a great deal of skepticism, but many of his predictions contain very specific details that came true. In fact, some of his poems predicted the most important and devastating events of the last century, from the rise of Hitler to the invention of the atomic bomb, and the 9/11 terror attacks. Experts who have studied his work are now saying that he predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth at the right age, and that his vision for Charles's future as King is not very hopeful. Curious to know more? Click through this gallery to discover what Nostradamus wrote about the fate of the British royal family, and which of his other prophecies have already been fulfilled.

King Charles and Queen Camilla attend Chelsea Flower Show

The King looked delighted to be back in action today as he visited a garden designed by children at Chelsea Flower Show.

Ultra rare pink fruit is sold for crazy high price in California store

A produce distributor is selling an ultra-rare newly created species of pineapple with a shocking price tag. The Rubyglow pineapple is being sold at Melissa's Produce for $395.

Understanding the language of flowers

Colorful and fragrant, flowers are one of nature's most enchanting natural wonders. But where do flower names originate, and what's the meaning behind them? Click through the gallery and say it with flowers, as picked by Flower Meaning.

I Tried Every Chick-fil-A Dipping Sauce and the Best Was Sweet and a Bit Fruity

Popular chicken chain Chick-fil-A offers many enticing sauces to dunk your nuggets in, but which dip is truly tops? We tried them all.

The lavish secret parties of the super rich

If you think you've splashed out on a party, think again. As you'll find out in this gallery, the mega wealthy can really take things to the next level. Throw in a few million dollars, invite some celebrities, and serve copious amounts of food, booze, and anything else your guests might want, and you're partying like the super rich. But there's more! Click through and be surprised at how crazy these parties can get.

"Delayed adulthood": modern crisis, or misnomer for something darker?

There’s a popular narrative emerging around the so-called "delayed adulthood" of Millennials and Gen Zers, with many people from older generations calling the younger generations' unique resistance to growing up a full-on crisis of motivation, stamina, and work ethic. It's true that the transition to adulthood is becoming less orderly and fewer young people are taking on traditional adult roles—plus the social control that comes with them—at the same ages that generations before them did. But there's so much more to this discussion, from what exactly defines adulthood in the first place, to the conditions under which someone can reasonably achieve that criteria in today's modern world. Click through to see if laziness and apathy are really the root behind the younger generations' seeming rejection of adulthood, or if there's something more sinister at play.

When US presidents met the British royal family

The UK and the US share many ties, so it’s no surprise that American leaders have made presidential visits to the UK and Ireland for over 100 years. Starting with Woodrow Wilson, every president since has paid a visit to the UK, meeting with the British royal family, and often the Prime Minister as well. Click through the gallery to learn more and see the best pictures of the British royal family with US presidents over the years.

Science still isn't able to explain these world mysteries

Science has evolved significantly in its efforts to unravel mysteries dating back thousands of years ago, but many questions still remain unanswered. Despite the development and improvement of various research techniques, there are historical facts that have not yet been explained by scholars. The Australian website listed some of the most mysterious cases that still puzzle scientists to this day. Check them out!

What fate befell the six wives of Henry VIII?

Henry VIII was King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547. As monarch, he is especially known for his six wives and, in particular, his single-minded effort to have his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled. This led to his excommunication by the Pope and the initiation of the English Reformation. Indeed, his parting with Catherine led to a split with Rome. But what of his subsequent marriages? And who were the six queens consort wedded to Henry? Click through and find out who got divorced, who died, who ended up beheaded, and who survived.

Facial detox: Tips for healthier skin

Daily pollutants, chemical products, cosmetics, and stress can really take a toll on your skin. Facial skin can accumulate impurities that only a deep cleansing can remove. Besides targeting embedded dirt and fighting free radicals, a facial detox creates smoothness and cell longevity for your skin. Here are some of the things you can do for a successful homemade facial detox.

Singer asks what songs people never want to hear at a wedding again

The discussion began after the unnamed man, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit's popular Wedding Shaming thread. He explained that he was 'bored to tears' with one particular track.

Suit up! Science proves that wearing a suit makes you perform better

Should you wear a suit to the office? And does the phrase "dress for success" have more merit than just making you look good? Well, science actually proves that it does! Being professionally attired promotes confidence, self-esteem, and can represent intelligence and even prosperity. But can being "suited and booted" really help you perform better? Click through and learn more about the psychology of the suit.

Queen Camilla reveals she's seen the first series of Bridgerton

The royal, 76, today joined King Charles at the Chelsea Flower Show in West London as he continues his return to public duties amid his cancer diagnosis.

Personality test: What's your social style, and what does it say about you?

Celebrity breakup hairstyles we'll never forget

The post-breakup makeover is a rite of passage. While a haircut doesn't really mend a broken heart, it's often part of the ritual we go through to cleanse ourselves of the old and herald a new beginning. And it seems like celebrities are just like the rest of us on that front! Some of the best looks from the biggest stars coincided with the end of a relationship. At least they got something good out of the situation! Click through this gallery to see some of the best breakup hairstyles on the most fashionable stars.

This £7 cooling primer is ‘perfect’ for keeping your face cool in the summer heat

Shoppers have been raving about e.l.f’s £7 Stay Cool primer stick that not only preps your skin for makeup but helps keep it soothed, cool and hydrated in the summer sun

Best early Amazon Prime Day TV deals: Save on top OLEDs and Samsung's Frame QLED

Prime Day 2024 is coming in July and we expect tons of TV deals. Ahead of the official sale, you can already save on TVs from brands like LG and Sony.

Humans who look like dolls

Cosmetic procedures have been popular for a long time, and indeed many of us use them to change our appearance. But what happens when these procedures are done in an attempt to look like inanimate objects, such as dolls? Well, this is what the people in this gallery have tried to achieve, many of whom with specific characters and dolls in mind, such as Barbie and Ken. Curious? Click through and get to know the humans who look like dolls.

Pedigree Dog Food Is Being Recalled Over 'Loose Metal Pieces,' FDA Says

Nearly 14,000 pounds of Pedigree dog food bags are being recalled. The FDA says the dog food may contain "loose metal pieces."

Weird facts on the world's most mysterious countries

Do you know where Ladonia is? How about Kyrgyzstan? Well, the truth is, many of the countries in this gallery you will have probably never heard of. Or perhaps they are countries that are so closed off from the rest of the world, they become totally arcane. Nevertheless, each of the following countries have at least one quirky factor attributed to them that makes them seem completely strange to the rest of the world. Click through to find out!

Glitter and glamour: the tale of Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany Blue and the company's famed sterling silver pieces are as much a part of pop culture as any jewelry brand can hope to be. Yet beyond that, Tiffany & Co. encompasses a world of diamonds, celebrities, and all-out luxury. But how did it get there? The jewelry giant started out as a stationery shop run by two men searching for the American Dream. Today, the company owns some of the most expensive jewelry in the world. Its customers have been and are the creme of society. Its glass and gems are celebrated as the finest around. Glamour floods through every vein of Tiffany & Co. Intrigued? If you want to find out how some of the finest treasures we know came into being, click through this gallery.

The most bizarre plastic surgeries ever

Plastic surgery has become increasingly common. Humans have always felt the need to change their appearance to reach standards of beauty. From wigs to corsets, we've seen it all through the ages. But today more and more people resort to surgical interventions to change their perceived imperfections. Have you ever wondered which are the strangest ones? Find out here!

American customs that are considered offensive in other countries

Even with the best of intentions, Americans occasionally reinforce negative views of the US by not paying attention to their actions, words, or gestures that are seen as offensive in other countries. If you're set to travel to another country, you'll definitely want to take a look through this list of customs that are considered rude and offensive in other places around the world.

Things every homeowner needs to know

Being a homeowner is a huge and rewarding achievement. However, it can also be costly and frustrating if you’re not aware of certain things in your home—and things that apply to renters, too! From some emergency preparedness to basic troubleshooting, your home will have numerous surprises over the years that will require your urgent attention and careful know-how. To get ahead of it, check out this gallery for things every homeowner needs to know.