
Why some couples can heal after infidelity, but others can't

We would all like to imagine that if we were cheated on, we would simply pack our bags, burn that bridge, and never look back. But it's hardly ever that simple, and that can actually be a good thing. Infidelity is one of the hardest things a couple can experience, and indeed it is a leading cause of breakups. But what is less talked about is how many couples actually work through the trauma, heal the wound, and come out stronger. Of course, every situation has to be evaluated uniquely, but cheating isn't nearly as black and white as we would like to think. And there are some major figures who have stayed with their cheating partner, so there must be some merit to it. But if there's one thing experts agree on when it comes to dealing with infidelity, it's that it is hard work, and some couples can't do or aren't aware of the necessary steps recommended by licensed professionals in order to properly restore a healthy relationship. Intrigued? Click through to see the keys to recovering after cheating or being cheated on.

The tribes of Southern Africa: A captivating fusion of tradition and modernity

If you venture to the Southern end of the African continent, you will find a land that is influenced by many diverse cultures. Modernism has mixed with tradition in this part of the world, and while there are some interesting facts about indigenous people as a whole, the tribes from Southern Africa are truly unique due to the African continent’s geography and history of colonialism. Intrigued? Click through this gallery to read up on some of the tribes from this area of the world.

30 stylish coupés from the 1970s

Can the results from ancestry DNA tests be trusted?

Advances in our understanding of DNA have brought about many changes. One of them is just how easy it is now to obtain a DNA test. Why would someone want to test their DNA? Well, these tests claim to compare your DNA to thousands of others so you can discover your cultural heritage. The results provide a snapshot of where your DNA comes from, across the globe. But just how accurate are these tests, and can you really rely on them? Click on the following gallery to discover if ancestry DNA tests are actually accurate.

Discover your Human Design type and what it means

Attempting to decode the mysterious "why" of our human existence has been a trend since, well, forever. To do so, some look to the subconscious and unconscious mind, and the modalities that help us to understand it better: think astrology, tarot, and other archetypal practices. Human Design is unique in that it combines several ancient systems of wisdom: the I Ching, chakra system, astrology, Kabbalah, and Myers-Briggs (among others); blending them into a single system to produce five different energy types. These energy types each have different ways of relating to—and thriving in—the world. Practicioners believe that by learning to work with your energy type, you can make your life flow more easily. Think of it as learning to swim with the current instead of upstream. Intrigued? Click on to discover your Human Design type and what it means.

Andy Warhol exhibition in Dubai shows 'major influence' he has had on contemporary culture

Even for those who are not versed in the art world, Andy Warhol's name carries weight. Visual artist, film director, producer and a leading figure in the pop art movement, his works from silk screen celebrity portraits to Campbell Soup Can prints are so embedded in visual culture that their influence is immeasurable. A new exhibition at The Foundry...

The roommate experience: What living together teaches you

Whether it's in a college or university dorm, a busy city apartment, or a cozy suburban house, having a roommate is definitely a crash course in the art of compromise and communication. While late nights may be filled with laughter and new memories, encountering the occasional passive-aggressive note left on the fridge highlights that living with a roommate is a journey of personal growth. From mastering the art of negotiation to discovering hidden talents, the lessons gleaned from cohabitation extend far beyond merely splitting rent. So, grab your favorite mug and settle in, as we explore the invaluable information you'll acquire from the rollercoaster ride of being a roommate. Click through to learn more!

The differences between psychopaths and sociopaths

The words psychopath and sociopath are often thrown around arbitrarily. They are regularly used in a way that would suggest them to be the same. In fact, these words aren’t even scientific. Doctors don’t diagnose people as being psychopaths or sociopaths. Instead, they would more likely diagnose someone as having a host of conditions, which we then tend to sum up. Psychopaths and sociopaths do generally have a lot of similar characteristics, one of them being that both tend to have a warped sense of what’s right and wrong. On the other hand, there are a lot of differences. To discover them, click through this gallery.

These things will make you feel old in 2024

Feeling a touch of nostalgia now that we're well into 2024? You're not alone! In this journey through time, we're about to explore numerous points that will make you feel old this year! From iconic movies to beloved TV shows, and even technological relics that once defined our lives, these reminders of the past will have you reflecting on the passage of time. So grab your time-traveling goggles and let's embark on this entertaining trip down memory lane!

Step inside the diabolical House of Medici

One of the most famous European aristocratic families of the medieval era was the House of Medici. Ruling Florence, and later Tuscany, during most of the period from 1434 to 1737, the Medici dynasty found success in commerce and banking, after which several family members contributed extensively to art, learning, and architecture through a series of patronages and funding. Indeed, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and other Renaissance masters all benefitted from their generous support. But the influential House of Medici was also at times embroiled in scandal and tyranny, making it one of the most feared of Europe's noble households. The Medici family enjoyed over three centuries of power, prestige, and influence before the dynasty fell in the mid-18th century. To know more, click through and find out who they were and what they left us.

Facts you didn't know about the Bible

The Bible is considered a sacred book by many. The scripture is the founding text for Christianity, and according to some it reveals the origins of humanity. The Bible has been scrutinized for years and here we've gathered some amazing facts about it that you might not know. Find out some of the most amazing facts about the Bible!

Incredible Hindu temples: architecture of exquisite beauty

Hinduism, originating from ancient Vedic culture around 3000 BCE, is one of the world's oldest religions and ranks as the third-largest globally, after Christianity and Islam. Followers refer to it as Sanatana Dharma, meaning Eternal Law in Sanskrit. With its primary presence in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia, Hinduism influences social and political structures, including the caste system. Temples of diverse styles and colors in various locations are central to Hindu worship, embodying the beauty of this ancient faith. Explore this gallery and wonder at these remarkable religious structures.

Things parents should never say to their kids

Parenting is quite demanding and it can be very hard at times. It's safe to say that we all lose our patience from time to time, and we certainly all make mistakes. But there are many things we say to our children than can really hurt them. This is not limited to just venting our frustrations on them. In fact, some forms of praise can also be harmful. In this gallery, we look at what the experts have to say about the things we should not say to our children. Click through to learn more.

The world's tastiest bread

Bread is the mainstay of our diet. For thousands of years, we have relied on it for sustenance and culinary delight. We are forever seduced by the pairing of crunch and chew, be it in our sandwiches, our soups, or even our salads. It can be savory, it can be sweet, and it costs almost nothing to make and eat. But, is your knowledge of bread complete? Every culture in the world has its own doughs, kneading processes, and baking methods. Your favorite loaf is probably out there, waiting for you to try it and fall in love. With that said, this gallery could be your bread and butter! Click through to discover the tastiest bread in the world.

The surprising link between movement and creative thinking

Problem solving, innovating, and adaptive thinking—what do they all have in common? They're the products of creativity, using our mind to find solutions to problems in a non-linear way. As our world becomes more technologically advanced, creativity becomes an even more prized asset. Numerous studies have found links between creative thinking and listening to music, being in nature, and feeling positive. But did you know that moderate movement and exercise can also have big benefits for creative brainpower? Intrigued? Click on to learn why physical activity boosts creativity.

Royals: The Top 10 Most Beautiful Queens & Princesses

These royals are really something to look at! These ladies prove time and time again that they have bucketfuls of both style and elegance.Royal Top 10: The Most Beautiful Queens and Princesses Be it Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Duchess Kate of Queen Letizia of Spain these are some of the most gorgeous royal ladies!

Bible verses that'll help mend your broken heart

It's safe to say that we've all had our hearts broken at some point in our lives. Whether you have just gone through a breakup, or have lost someone in any other way, the Bible offers some words of comfort to those who are willing to read them. A believer or not, you might find some of these words to be helpful. So, want to give it a try? Being brokenhearted is painful, so hopefully these words will help you fell a little bit better. Click on to read biblical passages that'll help mend your broken heart.

30 myths people (somehow) still believe

Misconceptions are everywhere in the world and we're often told things that aren't really facts. Have you ever learned something and later realized it’s simply a myth and that there’s little to no truth behind it? From bats being blind to not shaving your arms because the hair will grow back thicker and everything in between, in this gallery, we’ll explore 30 common myths and the truths behind each one. Which myths have you been holding onto? Click through now to find out more.

Disturbing facts about Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia

Catherine the Great moved to a foreign land as a teenager and became one of the most important leaders in history. Known for her long and prosperous reign over the Russian Empire, the empress transformed the nation's culture while expanding its borders. She also heavily influenced by the Enlightenment and championed education, all while holding the balance of power. However, her reign also came with its challenges and myths that live on to this day. So, who was the Russian empress, truly? Click on to discover more about the 18th century’s most powerful woman.

Signs someone has lost interest in you, according to the zodiac

Ever been in a relationship where you just cannot tell how the other person is feeling? You feel like they're really into you one minute, but then it feels like they couldn't care less the next. Most of the time our instincts are right when it comes to these things. If it feels like someone isn't interested, it's probably because they're not. That is not always the case, however, and there are exceptions to the rule. Astrologists will tell you, of course, that much of the way a person acts when their interest in you is waning is determined by their star sign. What do you think? Check out this gallery to find out how to tell someone has lost interest in you, according to their star sign.

Europe's grandest royal tombs

Throughout history, the wealth and privilege that came with being a member of a European royal family afforded a luxurious lifestyle most others could only dream of. But similarly, death, as in life, also brought with it lavishness and excess by way of a burial truly fit for a king or queen. Monarchs and emperors of old were honored with monumental tombs, ornate and embellished final resting places that reflected their status as absolute rulers of nations and peoples. Today, these showpiece sepulchers are as much tourist attractions as memorials to the mighty. But where can you admire the most sumptuous and ostentatious royal grave sites? Click through and tour the tombs.

How to spice up your relationship without draining your wallet

Navigating the twists and turns of relationships can be a challenge. Life's demands often leave little room for quality time, and budget constraints can add an extra layer of complexity. But fear not! This gallery is here to unveil the secrets of reconnecting and igniting the flame without burning a hole in your pocket. Click on, and let's rediscover the magic in your relationship. Who says you can't create memorable moments without breaking the bank?

The 30 richest British royals, ranked

The personal fortunes of the Windsors from King Charles III and Queen Camilla to Prince William and Prince Louis.

Pet first aid: a basic guide to dealing with a pet emergency

Our pets can get injured, so having some basic first aid knowledge can really make a difference. Some injuries are more common than others, and indeed some are more serious than others. But regardless of what the emergency is, you will want to be prepared with the knowledge and right tools to deal with it. From wounds to choking, and everything in between, in this gallery you'll learn the basics to deal effectively with a pet emergency. Click on and learn more about pet first aid.

The rarest blooming flowers on Earth

Nature is so full of mystery and allure, but in our day-to-day lives, we get quite used to seeing the same species of flora around us. There are so many kinds of flowers that we'll just never see in our lives! From flowers that only bloom once every few decades, to those that require very specific conditions, to those whose bloom last mere hours, there are some dazzling rare species to behold out there. Click through to take a look for yourself.

The 30 countries with the most cultural influence

The world is made up of nearly 200 countries, which all come with their own unique cultures. However, if the traditions and norms of a country are considered "cool" in another country, it's said to have cultural influence. Countries that command cultural influence are often synonymous with leading the way in areas like food, lifestyle, and/or fashion. Their music, television shows, and movies are also absorbed by other cultures, becoming part of a wider global conversation. Intrigued? From India to Denmark, click on to see if your country is a cultural influencer around the world.

Be inspired by the habits of millionaires

Thomas C. Corley studied the habits of highly successful people for five years. He interviewed 177 people and noticed similarities among them that led him to write the book 'Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.' Take a look at the habits that successful people share!

Your love language, according to your zodiac

Have you ever wondered what your favorite way to express love is? According to Dr. Gary Chapman, author of 'The Five Love Languages' series, we tend to express love in five specific ways: words of affirmation; acts of service; gift giving; quality time; and physical touch. Fans of astrology will tell you that your tendency to express love in one or two of these ways is predetermined by your zodiac sign. With this in mind, check out this gallery to find out what your love language is, according to your zodiac.

New burger recipes you'll just have to try

Who doesn't love a good burger? It's not by accident that it's one of the most popular foods around the world! While the traditional hamburger is very much a staple of international cuisine, there are many other recipes out there that will surely make you drool. Whether you're a meat or fish-lover, vegetarian, or vegan, we have mouthwatering recipes you'll definitely want to try. Click through the following gallery and discover new burger recipes today!

These people transformed themselves into real-life Barbie dolls

The desire to look like Barbie or Ken may be unfathomable to most of us. However, there are several people for whom it is so important they are willing to spend enormous amounts of money to achieve the unusual look. Sometimes these highly risky procedures can go wrong, and yet even this is not always enough to dissuade them from continuing with their mission to attain their modified look. Take a look through this gallery to learn more about some of these interesting characters!

Personal branding unleashed: Crafting your narrative

Navigating the intricate landscape of personal and professional identities can be both challenging and rewarding. In a world where impressions are formed with a click and connections are made through screens, the concept of personal branding has taken center stage. Well, whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, creative professional, or seasoned executive, this gallery offers insights and strategies to help you authentically articulate your narrative, stand out in the digital age, and leave an indelible mark on the world. Swipe through to go on a journey that will unleash the full potential of your personal brand.

Nicole Kidman was once 'insecure about looks'

In a new docuseries, the Oscar winner discusses the parameters of fashion in the 90s

Michelin Guide returns with food festival in Abu Dhabi

The second edition of the festival will take place at Emirates Palace Mandarin Oriental from November 22 onwards

What does the Bible say about children?

Many people look for answers in the Bible, and indeed when it comes to parenting, the holy book has quite a few pieces of advice. But the word of God goes beyond a couple of verses about how to raise our children. After all, God is called the Father for a reason, and his believers, children of god. In this gallery we have compiled a number of Bible verses that mention children, and we've divided them into different topics. Click through and get to know what the Bible says about children.

Amazing homes in the world's most expensive cities

Offering job opportunities, cultural and culinary diversity and the chance to experience life in a bustling metropolis, we take a look at desirable residences within the world's most expensive cities...

The most sacred landmarks in Africa

Africa's most sacred sites hold a profound place in the hearts and minds of people across the continent. Long before the arrival of colonial powers, these locations were central to the spiritual and cultural lives of indigenous communities. They served as places of worship, reflection, and connection to the divine. Today, many of these sites stand as testaments to Africa's rich heritage and are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. So, where in Africa can you discover these sacred destinations? Explore this gallery and unearth the sacred sites that have shaped Africa's long history. Simply click on to reveal them all.

Creating your sanctuary: Home renovations for empty nesters

Major changes in our lives happen very seldom. However, when they do, we need to be ready to face them head-on. And there are very few changes as significant as when your children leave the home. But instead of looking at this situation with sadness, look at it as an opportunity to step warmly into the next phase of your life. Creating your sanctuary is the first step! Curious? Swipe through this gallery to learn how you can make the empty nest years the best years yet.

The sexiest Australian stars

You may be surprised to know that Australia is home to a plethora of celebs. Indeed, over the years the country has proven itself to be a fertile breeding ground for actors, singers and models. Here are 30 Aussie stars that impress both with their talent and their good looks.

30 films you have to watch once in your life

Figuring out exactly what you want to watch can be tough with so many options available. Whether it's Hollywood or foreign cinema, we have been given unforgettable stories and characters that have turned into modern classics. Be it romance, drama, or comedy, there are essential films that everyone must watch once in their lives. So, get your popcorn ready and click through this gallery of 30 films you just have to watch at some point.

Things the Freemasons don't want you to know

As one of the world's oldest secret societies, the Freemasons have for several hundred years lurked behind the scenes, involved in everything from planning historic events to murder. Having built an impressive membership, which included many prominent politicians, the Masons have also been surrounded by many conspiracy theories. And while there are many bizarre speculations (such as lizard people being behind the society) there are still many fascinating, sometimes strange stories about Freemasons and their complicated legacy that remain unknown to most of the public. From being banned by the Catholic Church to changing the face of American politics forever, click through the following gallery to discover not-so-secret facts about Freemasons.

The highflying art of the tightrope walker

Metaphorically speaking, if you walk a tightrope you have to deal with a difficult situation, especially one involving making a decision between two opposing plans of action. But how hard do you think it is to walk a real tightrope? Well to do so requires a tremendous amount of skill, and an awful lot of courage. In fact, maintaining balance while walking along a tensioned wire between two points is a supreme test of strength, concentration, and dexterity. No wonder that only a few select men and women have made a successful career out of performing as a tightrope walker. But how did this extraordinary discipline evolve, and who are those that turned it into a high art form? Click through and walk the line finding out!

Top reasons why couples get divorced

Every couple experiences love and marriage in their own unique way. Similarly, the experience of falling out of love is unique, too. But what's the final straw in the breakup of a marriage? From incompatibility of lifestyles to dishonest behavior, couples decide to divorce for many reasons. However, research has found that some grounds for parting company appear to be more common across specific cultures and generations. Curious? Check out this gallery and discover what they are.

The gadgets and gear you need for your next outdoor expedition

Exploring the great outdoors is one of the best ways to unplug from day-to-day life and reconnect with nature. That said, venturing out into the wilderness requires careful planning. But with the right gear and gadgets, you can turn any adventure into a seamless and enjoyable experience! From handy camping tools to high-tech gadgets to keep you connected and safe, this gallery has all the necessary kit for your next trip. Click through to find out more.

The most legendary mustaches in sports

A mustache isn’t something every athlete can pull off, but for the ones that can, it becomes the stuff of legend. We proudly present the best dusters, soup strainers and lip curtains in professional sports.

Traits you can only inherit from your mother (and others from your father)

You've probably been told that certain traits are inherited from either your mother or your father. But is this really so? Well, there might be some truth behind these claims. We inherit DNA from both our parents, and any traits passed on to offspring differ, depending on the parent. The fact of the matter is we obtain some of these traits from our moms, as we do others from our dads. But which is which? Click through this gallery to find out.

Protect yourself: Essential crime prevention tips and techniques

Safety is of the utmost importance. In crowded places, online, or just alone at night at a bus stop, the threat of crime is ever-present. So, the next logical question to ask is this: what can we do to protect ourselves from these threats? Whether it's avoiding pickpockets or making sure you're always prepared for emergencies, these tips and techniques for crime prevention are a must-knows for anyone looking to smarten up! Curious? Then click through this gallery to learn how to keep yourself and your family safe.

Social situations that introverts dread

If you consider yourself an introvert, then you understand that some social situations are not just hard—they're downright painful. From forced group participation to awkward run-ins on public transportation, these daily dramas are all too relatable. Based on reports from Ranker, check out this list of social situations that introverts dread to find out if you're a part-time wallflower or a full-blown brooder.

These plants and flowers can kill you

Do you know which plants and flowers are poisonous? There are some deadly specimens out there, infamous flora that can seriously hurt or even kill you if you're not careful. Browse the gallery and find out what to avoid, including the most poisonous plant in the world.

Seeking out the "four F's" of commonly foraged food

The practice of foraging for food resources in the wild dates back to the time of the hunter-gatherer. Long before the advent of organized agriculture, seeking out sustenance in the environment was the only way early humans could survive. As they did so, these pioneers of self-preservation identified a host of edible plants, leaves, and flowers that are still used today by those who like to forage for and prepare wild food in a centuries-old customary manner. In fact, foraging has faced an upswing in popularity in recent years. And while it's essential to correctly identify what's safe to eat and what isn't, venturing into woodland to seek out the "four F's" of commonly foraged food—fruit, foliage, flora, and fungus—serves not only as an exercise in healthy living but as a way of enjoying a communion with Mother Nature. So, do you know how to forage for food from forests? Click through and take your pick from this list of wild edibles.

The terrifying book curses of the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages may have not been as dark as one imagines, but some of the things people did back then certainly don't help the era's reputation! Religion was a big deal, and by then some of the first Christian manuscripts started to be produced by scribes (mostly in monasteries). Books were incredibly precious objects, and just how could one prevent the theft of such rare and valuable assets? By writing a book curse to deter thieves, of course! Curious? In this gallery, we delve into the history of book curses and bring you some fascinating examples from medieval times. Click on for more.