The Markandeya Purana's Chapter 88 has the mantra "Durga Dwatrimsha Namamala" (32 Names of Durga). The Hindu religious tradition offers the words and syllables to be sung for various mantras, along with an advised intonation pattern. The intonation has been transmitted orally from swami to swami and may have been mentioned in old texts in certain instances. Three tones are used in this mantra: a middle tone, a lower tone that is one musical step down (bold), and a higher tone that is half a step up (italicised). The 32 names of Maa Durga are a very potent stotra to eliminate problems in life.

32 Names Of Maa Durga With Meanings

1. Durga - The reliever of difficulties

2. Durgartishamani - Who puts difficulties at peace

3. Durgapaddhinivarini - Dispeller of difficult adversities

4. Durgamachchhedani - Who cuts down the difficulty

5. Durgasadhini - The performer of discipline to expel difficulties

6. Durganashini - The destroyer of difficulty

7. Durgatoddharini - Who holds the whip of difficulties

8. Durganihantri - Who sends difficulties to Ruin

9. Durgamapaha - Who measures difficulties

10. Durgamagyanada - Who makes difficulties unconscious

11. Durgadaityalokadavanala - Who destroys the world of difficult thoughts

12. Durgama - The mother of difficulties

13. Durgamaloka - The perception of difficulties

14. Durgamatmaswarupini - The intrinsic nature of the soul of difficulties

15. Durgamargaprada - Who searches through the difficulties

16. Durgamavidya - The knowledge of difficulties

17. Durgamashrita - The extrication from difficulties

18. Durgamagyanasamsthana - The continued existence of difficulties

Maa Durga is the supreme manifestation of Shakti - or the divine feminine energy. (Image Source: Canva)

19. Durgamadhyanabhasini - Whose meditation remains brilliant when in difficulties

20. Durgamoha - Who deludes difficulties

21. Durgamaga - Who resolves difficulties

22. Durgamarthaswarupini - Who is the intrinsic nature of the object of difficulties

23. Durgamasurasamhantri - The annihilator of the egotism of difficulties

24. Durgamayudhadharini - Bearer of the weapon against difficulties

25. Durgamangi - The refinery of difficulties

26. Durgamata - Who is beyond difficulties

27. Durgamya - This present difficulty

28. Durgameshwari - The empress of difficulties

29. Durgabhima - Who is terrible to difficulties

ALSO READ: Durga Chalisa Lyrics In English And Hindi; Know The Benefits Of Reciting This Powerful Hymn

30. Durgabhama - The lady to difficulties

31. Durgabha - The illuminator of difficulties

32. Durgadarini - Who cuts off difficulties

॥ Iti Shri Durga Dwatrinshanamavalih Sampurna ॥

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